Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Standard Charges
IPD usually maintains the following price ranges for its services:
v  Management Consulting ( other than in-house training and management contract)
ñ          Project Proposal= Free
ñ          Project Implementation Charge = Taka 3000 X Total hours to be employed to complete the project. (per hour = Taka 3000)
ñ          Project Resource Cost = To be provided by IPD.
ñ          Project equipment Cost (limited) = To be provided by IPD.

v  In-house Training Arrangement
ñ          Project Proposal = Free
ñ          Trainer and Study material cost = It depends on the subject matter of
                                                                  training and quality of trainer.
ñ          Venue, equipment (Limited)= To be provided by IPD.

v  Management Contract
ñ          Preliminary Project Proposal = Free
ñ          Project Implementation cost = It depends on the nature of functions to be
                                                            carried on.

v  Executive Search
ñ          Mutually decided charge to maintain quality services.

Note: the above price list is a standard range. The actual price may vary if circumstance demanded. However whatever may be the total price, no extra charge for VAT.


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